It Ain’t Over…Endurance

God waits for our reaction. He watches how we handle the adversity,

whether we handle it with love and self sacrifice,

or chose darker, destructive emotions.

Regardless of the fact that we may want to scream and shout

Regardless of the fact that we may want to break down and cry

He watches for our reaction

He hopes beyond hope that we are patient

That our patience knows no bounds

He BANKS on us, hoping we are loving and compassionate

He BETS on us, hoping we are caring, accepting and understanding.

He HEDGES that we endure our suffering with dignity and grace.

And whatever will be, will be for our good and for the good of all.

It Ain’t Over…Protection

The best thing is, is when people are trying to get a rise out of you, and you don’t bite.

They know you’re in pain and they think they know Pavlov, and sometimes they will get a reaction.

But pain is also a shield, a mighty defence, a castle with a moat and a drawbridge

that closes up quickly at the merest sign of an arrow.

It Ain’t Over…Pain

I have learned, sadly, that some people love to see others in pain. It isn’t such a perverse entertainment as we think. If they can’t express their intense emotion, they have to bring it out in us. Sometimes they want love and if we can’t give them that, they will feed off our pain instead.

Others like to see pain for one-upmanship. They are all cries for approval. We are all guilty of milking pain from others. However, they are fleeting glories, hollow triumphs, and like any addiction, there will be a need for fix after fix, just to sustain the high, and we all know what happens to drug addicts.

It Ain’t Over…One More Step

One More Step

Just before the dam is about to burst, just before the volcano erupts, man gives up.

Just before the geyser bursts forth, and the mountain is moved, man gives up.

Just before that declaration of love, before that rainbow appears, man gives up.

It Ain’t Over…Patience (Take Two)

Patience (Take Two)

Without patience we often only see a brick wall in front of us. It creates anger, desperation and panic. With patience we see a long road which stretches into the distance. Even though the naked eye cannot yet see the possibilities, there is the promise of wonderful lands ahead.

It Ain’t Over…Forgiveness


Sometimes, we can’t stop life throwing us curve balls or dashing our hopes. Sometimes, we can’t stop the pain or the suffering, but we can control how we decide to react to all of those things. We can bring peace to our pain by letting go.

We have the power to love even when we are feeling crushed. No one can stop us blessing people or wishing them the best. No one can stop us accepting our situation and turning it into something wonderful. We can’t control what other people do, even if it impacts on our own happiness. If other people make decisions because they are hurting, we have to let them make those decisions. We have to let them go through their own life lesson, and when they come out through the other end, the only important thing, is to be there for them.