Quote Of The Week

‘My basic belief is that if you don’t profit from harm to anyone else, then you’re all right. You’re on the right track. When you perceive that your action is going to injure someone, you must avoid it. If harm does happen, you must try to mend it. If I can see harm coming to someone, then I won’t do or I won’t advocate it.’

Send Yourself RosesKathleen Turner

The Smile

The smile

Can be many things

Cruel and sarcastic

Lopsided, elastic

Gently enigmatic

Dreamy and magic

Narcissistic, plastic

Absolutely fantastic

Sheepish, misted,

Wistful, twisted


And kissed


And missed

Mean and grim

Smug little grin

A leer or a jeer

A curl, a snarl, a sneer

The smile can be over

Before it’s begun

A flash, a snapshot

See how they run

A painted on mask

Or sunny and sweet

The smile that lasts

Making crows feet

Not quite there

Or all over the face

As broad as a barn door

As warm as embrace

Someone can possess

The bubbly smile

Or one that makes you

Run a mile

Nasty and evil

Debauched and dire

Cool like an icicle

Melting a fire

The smile is like money

False or real

The smile can barter

Can give or steal

The smile to open up

Or to wear like a wall

The smile can be everything

Or nothing at all.